HIV/AIDS and American Indians/Alaska Natives

  • American Indians/Alaska Natives have over twice the rate of HIV infection as compared to their white counterparts, and they are more likely to die from HIV infection.

Estimated number of cases of HIV infection by year of diagnosis, 2021

  # Cases
American Indians/Alaska Natives223

HIV Infection Cases and Rates (Adults)

Estimated number of diagnosed cases and rates (per 100,000) of HIV infection, 2021

 # CasesRate American Indian/Alaska Native /
White Ratio
American Indian/Alaska Native22310.92.1

Source: CDC AtlasPlus 2021. NCHHSTP AtlasPlus [Accessed 8/11/2023]

HIV Infection Cases and Rates (Children

# Cases
American Indians/Alaska Natives10.2
Total Population610.1
Estimated number of diagnosed cases and rates (per 100,000) of HIV infection, 2019

Source: CDC 2021. HIV Surveillance Report: Diagnoses of HIV Infection in the United States and Dependent Areas, 2019, v.32. Table 2a. [PDF | 16.7MB]

HIV Infection Cases (Adults and Children)

# Cases
% of Total Cases
American Indians/Alaska Natives2100.6
Total Population36,398
Estimated number of cases of HIV infection by year of diagnosis, 2019

Source: CDC 2021. HIV Surveillance Report: Diagnoses of HIV Infection in the United States and Dependent Areas, 2019, v.32. Table 1a. [PDF | 19.7B]

# Cases
% of Total Cases
American Indians/Alaska Natives132.03,2150.3
Total Population318.41,044,977
Estimated number of persons living with HIV infection and rates (per 100,000) by year, 2019

Source: CDC 2021. HIV Surveillance Report: Diagnoses of HIV Infection in the United States and Dependent Areas, 2019, v.32. Table 16a. [PDF | 19.7MB]

AIDS Cases and Rates (Adults)

# Cases
American Indians/Alaska Natives /
White Ratio
American Indians/Alaska Natives males484.91.3
White males3,1903.8
American Indians/Alaska Natives females171.72.1
White females6850.8
American Indians/Alaska Natives (both sexes)653.31.4
White (both sexes)3,9752.3
Estimated number of cases and rates (per 100,000) of AIDS, 2019

Source: CDC 2021. NCHHSTP Atlas Plus. [Accessed 06/16/2021]

Cumulative # Cases*
% of Total Cases
American Indian/Alaska Native3,5620.3
Total Population1,307,283
Estimated number of cases of AIDS by year of diagnosis, 2019

Source: CDC 2021. HIV Surveillance Report: Diagnoses of HIV Infection in the United States and Dependent Areas, 2019. Slide Set: HIV Infection, Stage 3 (AIDS) 2019. Slide 43. [PDF | 6.6MB]

Death Rate

American Indian/Alaska Native
American Indian/Alaska Native /
White Ratio
All ages, Men3.45.00.7
All ages, Women1.80.62.3
Total Population2.12.50.8
HIV infection death rates per 100,000 population. 2019

Source: CDC 2021. HIV Surveillance Report: Diagnoses of HIV Infection in the United States and Dependent Areas, 2019, v.32. Table 12a.[PDF | 19.7MB ]

AIDS Deaths

# Deaths 2019
Rate 2019
Cumulative # Deaths*
% of Total Cases
American Indian/Alaska Native412.12,0870.3
Total Population11,8994.3766,380
Estimated number of deaths, and death rates, of persons with AIDS by year of death, 2019

Source: CDC 2021. NCHHSTP Atlas Plus [Accessed 06/16/2021]

Source: CDC 2021. HIV Surveillance Report: Diagnoses of HIV Infection in the United States and Dependent Areas, 2019. Slide Set: HIV Infection, Stage 3 (AIDS) 2019. Slide 43. [PDF | 6.6MB]

HIV Testing

American Indian/Alaska Native
Non-Hispanic White
American Indian/Alaska Native /
Non-Hispanic White Ratio
Ever tested46.639.91.2
Never tested53.460.10.9
Age-adjusted percent of HIV testing status among persons 18 years of age and over, 2018

Source: CDC 2021. Summary Health Statistics for U.S. Adults: 2018. Table A-20a.

* Cumulative data are from the beginning of the epidemic through 2019.