Asthma and Black/African Americans

  • From 2019–2021, an estimated 4.2 million non-Hispanic Black or African Americans in the United States currently had asthma.1
  • Non-Hispanic Black or African American adults were 30% more likely to have asthma than non-Hispanic white adults in 2023.2
  • Non-Hispanic Black or African American children were twice as likely to have asthma than non-Hispanic white children in 2023.3
  • In 2021, non-Hispanic Black or African American adults were 2.5 times more likely to die from asthma-related causes than non-Hispanic white adults.4
  • In 2021, the asthma mortality rate for non-Hispanic Black or African American children was almost 8 times higher than that of non-Hispanic white children.5
  • In 2020, Non-Hispanic Black or African American children were almost five times more likely to be admitted to the hospital for asthma than non-Hispanic white children.6


Current asthma among adults age 18 and over, percentage, 2023
 Non-Hispanic BlackNon-Hispanic WhiteNon-Hispanic Black /
Non-Hispanic White Ratio
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). National Center for Health Statistics. Interactive Summary Health Statistics for Adults. Percentage of current asthma for adults aged 18 and over, United States, 2023.
Adults age 18 and over who have ever been told they have asthma, percentage, 2018 
 Non-Hispanic BlackNon-Hispanic WhiteNon-Hispanic Black /
Non-Hispanic White Ratio
Both Sexes14.714.21.0
Source: CDC, 2019. Summary Health Statistics: National Health Interview Survey: 2018. Table A-2a. 
Current asthma among children under 18 years of age, percentage, 2023
Non-Hispanic BlackNon-Hispanic WhiteNon-Hispanic Black /
Non-Hispanic White Ratio
Source: CDC. National Center for Health Statistics. Interactive Summary Health Statistics for Children. Percentage of current asthma for children under 18 years, United States, 2023.
Children under 18 years of age who have ever been told they have asthma, percentage, 2023
Non-Hispanic BlackNon-Hispanic WhiteNon-Hispanic Black /
Non-Hispanic White Ratio
Source: CDC. National Center for Health Statistics. Interactive Summary Health Statistics for Children. Percentage of ever having asthma for children under 18 years, United States, 2023.
Current asthma among children under 18 years of age, percentage, 2019–2021
Non-Hispanic BlackNon-Hispanic WhiteNon-Hispanic Black /
Non-Hispanic White Ratio
Source: CDC, 2022. Data, Statistics, and Surveillance. Most Recent National Asthma Data.

Death Rate

Asthma mortality among adults age 18 and over, rate per million, 2021
 Non-Hispanic BlackNon-Hispanic WhiteNon-Hispanic Black /
Non-Hispanic White Ratio
Source: CDC, 2022. Data, Statistics, and Surveillance, Most Recent National Asthma Data.
Asthma mortality among children ages 0–17, rate per million, 2021
Non-Hispanic BlackNon-Hispanic WhiteNon-Hispanic Black /
Non-Hispanic White Ratio
Source: CDC, 2022. Data, Statistics, and Surveillance. Most Recent National Asthma Data.


Emergency department visits with asthma as the first listed diagnosis in the past 12 months among adults age 18 and over, rate per 10,000 population, 2020
Non-Hispanic BlackNon-Hispanic WhiteNon-Hispanic Black /
Non-Hispanic White Ratio
Source: CDC. Asthma: Healthcare Use Data 2020. Table A. Estimates for all populations were lower than the 2019 emergency department visit estimates because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Emergency department visits with asthma as the first listed diagnosis in the past 12 months among children ages 0–17, rate per 10,000 population, 2020
Non-Hispanic BlackNon-Hispanic WhiteNon-Hispanic Black /
Non-Hispanic White Ratio
Source: CDC. Asthma: Healthcare Use Data 2020. Table A. Estimates for all populations were lower than the 2019 emergency department visit estimates because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Hospital admissions for asthma among adults ages 18–39, rate per 100,000 population, 2020
Non-Hispanic BlackNon-Hispanic WhiteNon-Hispanic Black /
Non-Hispanic White Ratio
Source: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report. Data Query.
Hospital admissions for asthma among children ages 2–17, rate per 100,000 population, 2020
Non-Hispanic BlackNon-Hispanic WhiteNon-Hispanic Black /
Non-Hispanic White Ratio
Source: AHRQ. National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Reports. Data Query.
People with current asthma who are now taking preventive medicine daily or almost daily, percentage, 2020
Non-Hispanic BlackNon-Hispanic WhiteNon-Hispanic Black /
Non-Hispanic White Ratio
Source: AHRQ. National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Reports. Data Query.

1 CDC, 2022. Data, Statistics, and Surveillance, Most Recent National Asthma Data. (back)

2 CDC. National Center for Health Statistics. Interactive Summary Health Statistics for Adults. Percentage of current asthma for adults aged 18 and over, United States, 2023. (back)

3 CDC. National Center for Health Statistics. Interactive Summary Health Statistics for Children. Percentage of current asthma for children under 18 years, United States, 2023. (back)

4 CDC, 2022. Data, Statistics, and Surveillance, Most Recent National Asthma Data. (back)

5 CDC, 2022. Data, Statistics, and Surveillance, Most Recent National Asthma Data. (back)

6 CDC, 2022. AHRQ. National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Reports. Data Query. (back)

Last Edited: 01/16/2025