Data Briefs and Other Publications

Issue and Data Briefs

The HHS Office of Minority Health (OMH) periodically publishes briefs and other products highlighting important topics and issues related to minority health and health disparities.

Issue Briefs

Issue Brief: Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders by Race and Ethnicity, 2015-2019 [PDF]. November 2023.

Issue Brief: Addressing Substance Use and Social Needs of People of Color with Substance Use Disorders [PDF]. November 2022.

Data Briefs

Data Brief No. 5: Demographic and Health Characteristics among a Diverse Group of Adult Black Males in the United States: 2002-2012 [PDF]
November 2015

Data Brief No. 4: Demographic and Health Characteristics among a Diverse Group of Adult Black Females in the United States: 2002-2012 [PDF]
November 2015

Data Brief No. 3: A Demographic and Health Profile of Adult Males (Ages 19 to 64 years) in the United States by Race and Ethnicity [PDF]
June 25, 2015

Data Brief No. 2: Demographic Characteristics and Data Brief Health Behaviors among a Diverse Group of Adult Hispanic/Latino Males (Ages 18 to 64 years) in the United States [PDF]
May 29, 2015

Data Brief No. 1: Characteristics of Uninsured Minority Men [PDF]
June 30, 2014

Other Publications

OMH staff, often in collaboration with other public health professionals, periodically publish on important topics and issues related to minority health and health disparities. OMH staff members are highlighted with a ‘*’.

Lauren Freelander, David S. Rickless, Corey Anderson, Frank Curriero, Sarah Rockhill, Amir Mirsajedin, Caleb J. Colón*, Jasmine Lusane*, Alexander Vigo-Valentín*, and David Wong*. The Impact of COVID-19 on Healthcare Coverage and Access in Racial and Ethnic Minority Populations in the United States. Geospatial Health 18, no. 2. March 2023.

Emily P. Terlizzi, Eric M. Connor, Carla E. Zelaya, Alyssa M. Ji, and Alexis D. Bakos*. Reported importance and access to health care providers who understand or share cultural characteristics with their patients among adults, by race and ethnicity. National Health Statistics Reports, no 130. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. October 2019.

Juliet Bui*, Minh Wendt*, and Alexis Bakos*. Understanding and Addressing Health Disparities and Health Needs of Justice-Involved Populations. Public Health Reports 134, no. 1 suppl. May 2019.

Andrew Fenelon, Juanita J. Chinn*, and Robert N. Anderson. A Comprehensive Analysis of the Mortality Experience of Hispanic Subgroups in the United States: Variation by Age, Country of Origin, and Nativity. December 2017.

Samuel Wu* and Alexis Bakos*. The Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander National Health Interview Survey: Data Collection in Small Populations. Public Health Reports 132, no 6. September 2017.

Juanita J. Chinn* and Robert A. Hummer. Racial Disparities in Functional Limitations Among Hispanic Women in the United States. Research on Aging 38, no 3. April 2016.

Last Edited: 02/20/2025