#CoverageMatters: Finding Health Care in a Gig Economy

Posted on January 23, 2017 by Dana Bigelow, Hayward, California

Ed. note: This was originally published on the HHS.gov blog.

Summary: The Affordable Care Act is great for those of us who are working in the gig economy or trying to grow our own business, big or small.

I used to work in the tech industry in the San Francisco Bay Area and got health benefits through my employer. But, when my mother got sick, I left that job to be her caregiver. Which also meant finding new health coverage.

Now I’m a Dasher, making money part-time by delivering food on DoorDash. A company in the gig economy, DoorDash allows me to make my own schedule, be my own boss, and pursue my own interests, like playing music. While the flexibility and variety is great, I needed to purchase health insurance and the Affordable Care Act helped me do that.

I try to live and eat healthy. But I have serious, life-long chronic conditions that require prescription medication and regular lab tests, so #CoverageMatters to me.

A plan that I used to have before the Affordable Care Act was bare bones and didn’t help much. As soon as Covered California, our state’s Health Insurance Marketplace, opened for business, I found a plan that fit my needs and budget. My premium last year was only $54 a month after tax credits, and only $58 a month this year. The services that I get now are very helpful and are provided faster. My health has greatly improved and my participation in life is tenfold better. I am living a marvelous life that includes dancing, playing music, contributing to society and sustaining healthy relationships.

DoorDash works with Stride Health to make it easier for Dashers to access coverage through the Affordable Care Act. Stride also provides personalized support from health advisers and pharmacy deals. DoorDash was among 17 companies that pledged to work with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to support Marketplace Open Enrollment for their freelance professionals, entrepreneurs and customers.

The Affordable Care Act is great for those of us who are working in the gig economy or trying to grow our own business, big or small, because it allows us to pursue our passion and contribute to the community without having to find just any job with benefits. A recent Treasury report shows that the ACA’s Marketplaces are playing a key role in providing health coverage to independent workers and entrepreneurs, a growing segment of our economy.

But this security is now in jeopardy for millions of Americans, like me and other hardworking individuals who rely on the Affordable Care Act. I’m sharing my story because my #CoverageMatters. Share your own story on social media using #CoverageMatters.

Marketplace coverage is still available this year. If you’re uninsured, check out your options at HealthCare.gov to enroll in coverage that meets your needs and budget.

You need to act quickly. Open Enrollment for the Marketplace goes until January 31, 2017.

Financial assistance may be available to help you get covered like it did for me. You can get 24/7 help comparing plans and enrolling by calling 1-800-318-2596 or find in-person assistance in your community at https://localhelp.healthcare.gov.

My #CoverageMatters.