Affordable Care Act: Enrollment Opportunity for American Indians and Alaska Natives

Posted on February 15, 2015 by Yvette Roubideaux

The deadline to enroll in 2015 coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplaces is February 15. I urge all American Indians and Alaska Natives to go to to see what benefits are available to you and to ensure that you have health coverage for 2015.

As an American Indian and Alaska Native, you may be eligible for services through the Indian Health Service (IHS), but the local facility may not be able to provide certain health care services, or you may live too far away to access those services. If you do not have other health insurance coverage, such as Medicare, Medicaid or CHIP, I encourage you to make sure you don’t miss the open enrollment deadline.

Read More: Affordable Care Act: Enrollment Opportunity for American Indians and Alaska Natives

Yvette Roubideaux, MD, MPH, is Senior Advisor to the Secretary for American Indians and Alaska Natives.