Celebrating 5 Years: What It Means to #GetCovered

Posted on March 20, 2015 by Stefania Fochi, Sarasota, Florida

Ed. note: This was originally published on the HHS Blog.

I’m one of the 16.4 million uninsured people who have gained health coverage since the passage of the Affordable Care Act five years ago.

For several years I didn’t have health insurance because I couldn’t afford it. As a 26-year-old, I thought I could take the risk, but it still made me very nervous. My parents and I co-own a pasta and empanada factory and I regularly work with heavy machinery. There were times when I was using the big 2,000-pound kneader and almost caught my hand and thought: If I had to go to the emergency room, what would I do?

I also worried about my family’s history of cancer. My mother’s family has struggled with ovarian cancer, but without coverage, I couldn’t afford to get regular checkups. I also couldn’t afford to get an ear problem treated properly for about a decade.

Because of the Affordable Care Act and the Health Insurance Marketplace, I now have affordable coverage that gives me peace of mind and financial security. My Marketplace plan last year cost $98 a month after tax credits.

And best of all, I can finally get the care I’ve been putting off. I can get my checkups and, for a copay of only $20, I was finally able to see a specialist and get my ear problem taken care of.
This year was even better. I went back to the Marketplace to see if I could get a better deal and found a good policy that costs only $60 a month after tax credits.

The Affordable Care Act has made important reforms in the five years since it was passed. People can no longer be denied insurance because of a pre-existing condition, such as asthma or diabetes. There are no more annual or lifetime caps on coverage, so a woman fighting breast cancer or a child battling leukemia are not cut off from care when they most need it. People don’t have to put off flu shots and recommended screenings because they can’t afford them.

And thanks to the Affordable Care Act, entrepreneurs like me can take a risk on a new business and not worry about having to stick with a job just for the health insurance.

The Affordable Care Act is helping me achieve my goals of creating an empanada empire because I know if something happens to me, I’m covered.

By making it possible to get quality coverage, the Affordable Care Act is helping me and millions of others take control of our health and chase our dreams. But coverage works best when you know how to use it. If you need help understanding your benefits and costs, how to make doctor appointments, and ways to stay healthy, check out the consumer guide at HHS.gov/CoverageToCare.
Happy 5th Anniversary, ACA.